Deep Dive Value Ladders and Funnels
We often talk about the need for a well structured value ladder and linked sales funnels for your... View more
Why Value Ladders and Funnels are so fundamental to success…
Why Value Ladders and Funnels are so fundamental to success…
I wanted to get this conversation going with a few opinions that I beleive really matter: They matter becuase my research has shown me that the differfence between the business doing a few hundred in sales and one doing thousands can more often than not be traced back to what they do behind the scenes within their value ladders and funnels.
If you focus on providing significant value through effective communication and at the saem time buils your sales processes and funnels strategically, with your ideal audience in mind, you can get your message out into the big wide world and get paid while you are doing it. Perfect, right?
It was once said by Dan Kennedy that the person who spends the most to accquire a customer who ultimately wins. I think there is alot of truth in that statement but also fee there is room to improve that by adding this important fact:
“It is the company that invests time and effort into the creration of value ladders and funnels designed to deal with exclusive bands of prospects that ultimately wins the race for more clients and more sales.”
Over the next few weeks I will be adding to the discussion and I hope you will want to join in and learn more. Ultimately we will set up a mastermind group and workshop for this subject, assuming we gain interest in the subject within the group. So I think that puts the ball very much in your court for now 😀
- This discussion was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by rainmakershub.
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