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Challenge Funnels

rainmakershub August 23, 2022

I would follow the lead of some of the most successful funnel users and make sure that all my book funnels lead to a challenge funnel; it just makes such perfect sense to do that. A challenge funnel has some very positive outcomes when used well with compelling content across both funnels.

  • Get results quickly for your dream customers.
  • Make sure all your dream customers have the right foundations to achieve the best results.
  • Indoctrinate your customers on what you do and how you do it
  • Warm up your dream customers and discourage those that do not fit the bill

Of course, there are many other benefits to using challenge funnels, but it appears that most of the experts will agree that these are the ones that get them most excited about the potential. When I was first introduced to this method of developing my own business, I entered a challenge to learn the fundamentals, and I have to say it worked for me; it has worked for many others too.

If like me, you want to build a loyal tribe of followers ready to enter and ascend your value ladder, then a challenge funnel is possibly the answer you have been looking for. The beauty of the challenge funnel lies in the structure and how you run the challenge. You’ll be glad to hear I am going to share both with you; this is not unique to me. Others have also designed similar funnels and have found exactly the same results as I. They do work.

The Challenge 

Let me make it clear it is the challenge that is the offer. Because of this, I urge you to take some time to truly understand how this model works and then take some more time to design your version with care and attention to detail. Experimentation has shown that the best challenges tend to last between 14 to 30 days; if you do less than this, it will be potentially too short, and if you go longer than 30 days, people will begin to lose interest.

Some of the more successful challenges are held within closed Facebook groups, and I can see no reason why this would not work for everyone looking to use this model. When the challenge is done, you simply archive the group and start a new one for the next challenge. The advantage of using FaceBook is simply usability and familiarity. Most people are already on Facebook and know how to use it, and doing this gets rid of any technical usability issues, for the most part.

The challenge is a great way for people to get to know me while building a loyal and engaged tribe for the Rainmakers Club. The same will be true for you and your business if you invest the time and effort into its design and execution.

Training format – The best way to get large numbers of people is to use video and, in particular live video. I have listened to many on this subject and experimented, too and believe that live video will give a sense of urgency to participate at the allotted broadcast time. This encourages people to show up and also increases the chances of them taking affirmative action as a result of the challenge. In turn, this increases their chances of gaining results and encourages them to want to work with you more.

You can pre-record the video; there is nothing wrong with this other than you will miss the opportunity to witness the building of your community as it happens. You do also have the option of live stream pre-recorded video; that too is an option. There are technologies out there that will make this a viable option. You can also deliver the challenge using written documentation and email but do not miss the opportunity for a deeper connection using video. Personally, I like to mix it up a little so that we can cater for a range of learning styles.

Move the challenge up the value ladder – Using the webinar funnels that we will look at a little later, you can move this on the challenge up the ladder and offer coaching or mentoring programs too. This should have a good conversion rate if you have delivered and made a difference during the challenge. People will want more.

I do not doubt in my mind that the Challenge model is the best for building relationships with your ideal customer,  to provide to your customer tangible results and helping them to see the value in moving up the value ladder for more.

Page 1 – The Sales Page

In the Challenge Funnel, the offer is a specified result in a specified time. Which you should be able to get across in your headline hook. The key to this is it needs to be both simple and believable. as with all Funnels; you need to be aware that experimentation is a requirement to find the right balance, and you may not get it right on the first attempt. Do not give up too soon, and remember it will not be the model that fails to attract the conversions you are looking for but the content, always the content.

The success and failure of the Challenge Funnel, based on the previous experience of those who have found great success with this model is based on the following three elements:

  • The clarity of the promise being made
  • A belief that the challenge could see the prospect accomplish the result
  • The credibility of the expert

An example might be our own promise to those that embarked on the full 7C’s program, which states that they will feel differently about their business and will see improved results within 90 days if the program is followed. Real examples then support this.

Other really important elements include the following:

The Story – this needs to be short but compelling. Your objective is to get the prospect to quickly bond with your ‘attractive or magnetic’ character and have confidence that you have been on that journey and know how to deliver on the promise. For example, our 7C’s program is based entirely on my own experience of taking a business from £0 to over £1.3 million per month in sales in just three years, which has been broken down and fully documented and undermined by other experts who have also walked that path to success.

The Journey – Look at the individual steps that are taken and topics that are covered during the challenge, and how the prospect will benefit. You need to clearly show the path your challengers will take as they go through the transformation process.

The Reward – We all like to be rewarded, so it is good to seed the content with the offers that will be made at the end of the process, taking them further up your value ladder.

The Stack – This method has been used by many with great success, and I urge you to follow their lead. The stack is you recapping at the end of the page a list of all the things the prospect will be getting by joining the challenge. It is important to differentiate between the price and the value. Price is the actual ‘price tag’ of the items, and value is the transformational effect that the element will give the customer who embarks on the challenge.

Testimonials – As soon as you have completed the first challenge, you should seek to get some of the participants to provide you with testimonials and get them to write them on Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media platforms where your ideal clients will congregate. You can also, with their permission, share these and include screenshots of the testimonials to give further credibility to the challenge being sold.

Order Bump – Take the appropriate care when selecting your order form bump. Put some thought into this and offer something that those taking the challenge will want because it enhances the results they will get and helps them achieve what they ultimately want to achieve.

Page 2 – The Upsell Pages

As a rule of thumb, I would agree with the experts who know this field and suggest using at least one upsell page. We then come to the question of the best kind of upsell for a Challenge Funnel. The general consensus is select one that the buyer believes will assist them in completing the challenge they are undertaking. For example, in my own business, a good upsell for our 7C’s program might be some one-to-one coaching to help complete the individual tasks in the challenge. Another upsell that has worked for us is a copy of the workbook that goes with the challenge and bespoke support for the individual.

I think the key to a successful upsell is not adding to the workload of the challenge but supporting it through the provision of helpful tools and or advice to help complete the challenge and get some fantastic results.

Page 3 – The Thank You Page

On this page, you thank them for joining the challenge and explain how they access the materials they have just purchased. If any materials are being shipped to them, explain that process also.