The Three Circles – The Home Of Your Why
To help you identify your true primary motivation, your reason why, I have an exercise that I want you to try, you may well find, like me, that this exercise, I call it the three-circle test, will help you to take this sometimes intangible concept and give it some structure to help you discover the inner motivations that together make up your one big thing, your ‘Why.’
If you feel you are struggling with this answer, or are starting to lose focus, or as your life and priorities change or develop, revert to your three circles, they hold the answer to this question, or at least they are the best tool for identifying the answer you seek. The best advice I can give you always starts with a blank sheet of paper and do not try to force it. Let your imagination fly for a while.
If you already have a business, which many of you will try not to find ways to endorse what you are already doing, instead challenge it by approaching this as if you did not have a business, this is the best way to progress the pursuit of your true reason ‘Why’.
The Three Circles Test has just one aim. That aim is to represent your current or desired future position within the three key questions that should reflect your ‘Why.’ We can then use this position in conjunction with the other answers to work on obtaining the optimal position for the success you desire for yourself and your business.
In the real world if you scored over 5 on the three key questions asked on the last exercise then you should also be well-positioned in the three circles, of course, the opposite is also true.
Let us take a look at the three circles test and see where that puts you in terms of your one big ‘Why?’ The answers you give to these three pivotal questions should put you in the very centre of the venn diagram, illustrated. Then you’ll know you are on the right bus and in the right seat too. If not we need to make some adjustments.

It is almost impossible to have a compelling ‘Why’ if you are not at least aware of where you need to be. That is why the three circles exercise is so important. You can indeed create magic once you have engineered your position to the very epicentre of your own venn diagram, where what you are best at, meets your financial requirements and your innermost motivation.
When I undertake this exercise for myself, which I still do from time to time I consistently find myself almost dead centre of the diagram these days. But it has not always been that way and once I understood this concept I had to work hard to slowly but surely make the adjustments to my life choices and business to get me to the sweet spot. That is because today I have a compelling ‘Why’, that is at the centre of everything I do, I am doing each day what I love doing and that is more than enough motivation for anyone.
This was not a discovery I made this was a journey that I have carefully designed for myself. A business that puts me where I want to be. my wish for you is that you can do the same. In fact, my ‘Why’ is all about me helping you in achieving that position for yourself. The more people I can place in that position the more I can change the world. Not all at once but one person’s world at a time. That is my quest, today is your turn, if you want to take it?
my ‘Why’ is to change the world of the salt of the earth start-up and micro-businesses giving them a more than fair chance of success by giving them unlimited advice and support. How I do this is through an intimate community centred on a membership model using a unique to us online platform, supported by my books and development programs. I just happen to offer support and advice to businesses. So now we should get to work on yours…