Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

The Unspoken ‘C’

rainmakershub April 26, 2022

Your content in all areas of your business must be consistently good and frequent. Frequency is important when talking about the use of social media and the generation of leads.  Great and consistent content will then lead to connections that lead to conversations. It is the conversations be they actual virtual or implied through content with personality. That’s where value will be found. You can then guide people into your value ladder, your sales funnels and ideally your community. This is where conversion will happen, this is where relationships are built and maintained and revenue earned.

Throughout this process, it is important that you continue all your activities with care. I want you to overtly show that you care; I want you to care sincerely. When all these elements come together, you will benefit from the big C. I call it the big C because it affects your entire machine. I am referring to Credibility!

When you have credibility you have arrived now, all you need to do is keep it going! Keep building and do not take your foot off the gas. Momentum takes a while tom gain but can be lost in an instant if you are not careful.

“The Big C in our world is that of Credibility. Create it and the guard it with your life, protect it at all costs!”

Chris Batten, auhtor and founder of The Rainmakers Club