Why special offers?

Simply becuase we are totally committed to our mission

The mission for us is everything and its not only important to us but to many of our members too. Our Special Offers help us with three very important tasks; firstly they allow us to help more people, second they alllow us the opportunity to demonstrate our culture and thirdly they allow us to understand the market better and so create more value and serve.

Special Offers

Elite Member Special Offer

Take a look at this limited time special offer and take advantage of an enhanced version of Elite membership. Plus you'll get some spcial bonuses to enhance the value still further, what's not to like...


Community Member Special Offer

You have the option just to join us on our Facebook Group and pay as you go for events. The better deal is this special offer, giving you a window into the Rainmakers Club and a taste of the value we give as standard.


Premium Member Special Offer

We couldn't offer all these amazing special offerss and not include Premium membership. So we have put together a turbo-charged version to really give you a good start to your Rainmakers Club journey...


7C's Book Special Offer


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