Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

The Certainty Of Growing Pains

rainmakershub April 20, 2022

I want you to embrace the fact that starting, building and developing a successful business is not going to be easy. Nobody finds being in the business easy; if it were, everyone would be doing it, and we would all be super successful. Once you understand that it is hard work, once you know that it is a process and that the process has to be centred on your passion, on your one big thing, on your primary reason why, it does become a little easier, or at least the levels of motivation appear to make it easier. There is a clear path to develop based on the Greiner Curve.

I have written this program for you. If you choose to join me, you will see significant progress in 90 days if you simply commit to making the changes and learning the lessons. I will be here to help you every step of the way to open the door to other Rainmakers Club experts and me.

If you do go the whole nine yards and join us, you will also gain access to mentoring, workshops, masterminds, networking and most crucial unlimited support and advice. I understand the growing pains you will be, or are, experiencing and can assist with those too.

They are predictable, and there is a process for dealing with them. The content of this book will certainly assist with that also, regardless of whether you decide to join me on the development program or not. Based on an already accepted model called the Greiner Curve, illustrated overleaf, support can be found in this book to assist you in all of the stages that you can expect to navigate during your first few years of development.

It can be somewhat confusing and chaotic when you first start your business. I want you to know this is normal; when you first start, you are still in the creative stage of your business growth, and as such, things will be changing all the time, and this will naturally create degrees of chaos.

Embrace this creative phase and use it to learn about your market. Learn more about your product or service and use it to get the offering right, a combination of what your market wants and what they need, not always the same thing. Because need and want are not always fully aligned, this requires some innovation and creative thinking. Here is an excellent tip for you that has served me well:

“Success comes from the identification of what your customer needs carefully wrapped in what they want.”

Chris Batten Author The 7C’s Of Why