Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Versions of the program

rainmakershub April 20, 2022

Getting the best from this program requires action from us both; it is a collaboration with only one purpose, which is your success. Without effort, this is nothing more than a good story that may or may not grab your attention for a fleeting moment and then fade away, relegated to some dark corner of your office or mind. To get the best from this program, you need to commit to it. There are three versions, and we will look at each of these now because, above all else, I want you to be able to make an informed decision. 

DIY Version – This version requires you to do nothing more than purchase the book called The 7C’s Of Why and or the various Frameworks, which act as worksheets. You can buy these on a pay-as-you-go basis directly from me with discounts, or you can get it through Amazon or many other outlets. 

To purchase the book is simply a payment of £25 or the dollar equivalent, including postage and packaging. But do look out for the various special offers and always check out chrisbatten.uk for offers too. All you need to do then is follow the exercises in the book. Here is an important point. Just because it is DIY, don’t think you are left to work it all out for yourself. No, the book is packed with opportunities to share your thoughts and findings with the author for some distance support. You can get even more detailed information, coaching points and knowledge through the various versions of the 7c’s Frameworks, which can be purchased individually and when needed. 

Assisted Version  – If you want to take advantage of this version, which is the most popular, you will need to join the Rainmakers Club. Once you have joined the club either as a VIP or Elite member, you will have access to the entire program, including the events and various Frameworks and supporting materials. For more membership information, you should contact the membership team. The assisted version gives you hands-on support with the development program, crucially including unlimited help and advice and special events to provide you with a more significant learning opportunity.

Inner Circle – We also run the inner circle version for those who want to turbo-charge their development. This does cost slightly more but includes personalised mentoring and support with the program. 

Regardless of the version you select for your development project, you will find this a very proactive program when used the way it is intended. To get the best from the program, we emphasise the value of membership. But again, this is not essential; however, the need to reach out and maintain contact with the Rainmakers Club so that we can give you the quality and quantity of support needed to create a business you can be proud of.