Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Cadence & Culture

rainmakershub April 25, 2022

When I talk about your business and culture, the first thing I should do is explain to you what that means to me; what is the culture in business?

Culture, in essence, is the way we do things, but it is also something that evolves. Culture illustrates to the outside world the accepted norms of behaviour by those working in and on your business. They are the components that will contribute to the reputation you build and, therefore, your brand’s value in an intangible sense.

The culture of your business can be defined as the evolving set of collective beliefs, values and attitudes. This is a critical component of business and, as such has a significant impact on the strategic direction of your business.

Culture will influence the management decisions of your business and its functions like accounting and production. It is the culture that will influence and encompass the core values of the business: vision, work style, beliefs, and habits.

In the early part of your business life, you will work on some principles that you have learned along the way, some principles that you have adopted from previous experience, and some principles that you feel are simply right for you and your business. That is certainly how I have always worked in my businesses.

When I decided to write this book and its support program, I thought about this subject at length. I concluded that in the majority of cases, my principles can be traced back to experience and, perhaps, more importantly, they can be traced back to mentors throughout my life who have shared so that I could learn and develop. Now it is my turn to do the same for you. Who knows, in time to come, you may well do the same for others. Together we can change the world of the start-up and micro business, and we can do it one business at a time.

Today it is your turn. In this case, we are loading the gun, and we want you to pull the trigger because, unlike the negative naysayers, this is a message that needs to be shared and acted on. The bullets I am loading your gun with can change everything for you when you squeeze the trigger and work in the way this  development program suggest.