Where are your dream customers?
When I first decided to stop thinking about writing my first book and instead do something about it, this is what I did. I went online and searched for information; I found several groups on social media that were frequented by others who were in the same place as me, thinking the same things and just as many who were further down the road of the writing process. I asked questions and joined in with conversations that I was either interested in or felt that I could offer some value to. In these same groups, I found several experts offering advice and services supporting what I wanted to achieve. Over time and after being involved in a consistent flow of information and ideas, I eventually made a few purchases, too, helping me on my journey. It was in one of the groups that I also found my first indie publishing house. Also, in these groups, other experts offered help, for example, book cover designers, editors, and people offering to undertake book reviews. I even found some journalists looking for the next big thing in the world of books.
They were all following the advice I am now giving to you; they had worked out who their ideal customers were and where they could find them, where they were congregating and made sure they were in the room too. This, then, is what I want you to do too. Find out where your ideal clients can be found online, and ensure you are there too. It is no different to what you would do if you were going to use physical or online networking as your means of getting in front of the right people to progress your sales opportunities.
Once you have identified your ideal customers, the question is not how to get them to enter your funnels but where do they meet and exchange ideas and views, and where do they congregate? In a moment, you will be given some more homework to do, answering a range of questions that will help you to identify where your ideal customer can be found. The key is if you do not truly understand your ideal customer, then it will be very hard to find them, which is one of the reasons so many fail in this regard. You have to do the hard yards to get the results you dream of.
You don’t have to create traffic because it is already out there. Your job is to identify where it can be found and throw out some hooks so that a percentage of your dream customers start coming to you.