Deep Dive Value Ladders and Funnels
We often talk about the need for a well structured value ladder and linked sales funnels for your... View more
Top Three Value Ladder Tips
Top Three Value Ladder Tips
To help you navigate the complexities of Value ladders and to help you avoid the mistakes that can cost you time and effort, here are my top three Value Ladder Tips, join in and I can certainly give you more detail, or book a 1-2-1 and we can talk about you specifically:
Tip 1: Do not reinvent the wheel, think by-product!
Here is an example – My top end service is not for everyone but during the process of building my top end development program I had to go through a process of planning, design and construction. In my case this involved the design of a framework for the program, the actual program and all the content, including written documents, audio and video. This was all rolled up into one amazing product for my ideal cleint. But of course not everyone that needed help wanted or could afford that platinum version.
So I simply recognised that the process I had just gone through had created a series of smaller products that could be valued and sold individually. Each one could be placed into a value ladder at different levels to create a journey with escualting value.
This is what I did:
Step one – My Overview framework became a free introduction video with a call to action to the next level.
Step two – You could buy for less than £20 a copy of the basic framewok as a PDF or book, this was your DIY version of my product. But if you needed help you could pay a little extra and get some support to. That was the next step.
Step three – follow the book and reach out and we will give support. If you don’t have time to do it yourself you need step four.
Step four – our ultimate program with total support and much of the work done for you.
That is a simple illustration of a value ladder, no reinventing required just a logical breakdown and journey.
Tip 2: When you start the process start in the middle!
This sounds counter intuitive, most people will immediately think they should start at the begining or with the ultimate product. But take a moment to think about it. If you start with the high end that is always a tougher sale and takes more time. If you start at this end those that say no have nowhere else to go other than leave your process. Likewise don’t start at the free end, becuase everyone says yes to free stuff but it makes you no money! Start in the middle of the ladder not with free stuff and not with high ticket items.
This will allow you to generate cash as you build the value ladder and give you the cash to invest in its continued development.
Tip 3: Link your levels, offer deals and use sales funnels!
When you have all your levels in place link them with sales funnels so that at the end of each level there is an incentive and process for going further up the ladder using sales funnels with speical offers. So for example, when you have my free video and PDF you can go stright to buying the book for a special price at that point only. If you do that you can then join the community at a one off discount. You get the idea…
Lets tallk about this in more detail….your turn…
This discussion was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by
This discussion was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by
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